Special – Another Davis – Lion Hearts X


Ten years Another Davis
Magical realism in reality
The battle
The Davis house
The Magical-Realistic Earth
Lion Hearts previous parts


Ten years Another Davis

Nine previous Lion Hearts blogs have been published. I haven’t followed a timeline in years, cross my heart and hope to die, but I realized a few months ago that Rob and I have a ten-year Another Davis anniversary on May 30, 2024, and this should not go unmentioned. After all, on May 30, 2014, he was found physically deceased behind his computer. As a result, he had left Groningen and, based on my findings, moved in with me in Another Davis. For convenience, I will omit the quotation marks around Another Davis in this blog. The perfection of the cosmos remains awe-inspiring, as Lion Hearts Part X, ten, now coincides with this ten-year milestone from 2014-2024.

May 30, 2014. And still May 29, 2014, in Davis, California. I felt it, even without knowing. An icy hand had gripped my heart. And then the knowing came too, when Jan Willem Nienhuys emailed me. J. Hennekam said that, in her view, Rob had not died on May 30 but on the evening of May 29, 2014, and that was Ascension Day. Despair set in, the search for Rob on the other side. Finding him too. The marriage with my ex, fraught from the start on January 6, 2005, was officially ended by the court on April 8, 2018, but I had been alone since the first half of 2017 when my ex suddenly left the house and immediately entered multiple relationships. I suspect that he mentally detached from me definitively on the day of Rob’s death. My ex is not clueless and likely sensed that it was over. It was certainly not clear to me in 2014. But Rob came and stayed. Looking back at who I was in May 2014, I can say that Rob might have been right when he mused aloud to me on June 12, 2012, “I certainly don’t think we are destined for each other or anything like that. I don’t think we have much in common and if we were close to each other, we might end up arguing within a day.” I was indeed far too immature (a late bloomer). Only after Rob’s death did we truly develop a good understanding. I see our failure before May 2014 primarily as my ‘fault’. For instance, I now feel much more relaxed about whether or not one ‘must’ be 100% vegan. I also understand that skeptics do not accept what they consider excuses from people who claim to have out-of-body or near-death experiences, about why they failed to provide evidence (such as reading normally invisible sequences of numbers placed high above the operating table, specifically set up to prove that consciousness can exist separately from the physical body). After all these years, the need to be right at all costs no longer interests me. What matters to me now is my love for Rob and our shared skeptical and relational interests, because yes, they were and are abundant. Only when he entered his new state of being did Rob acknowledge the depth of our connection and decided not to leave me alone. And should all this turn out to be different (which would give me infinite sorrow, which fortunately is not possible since existence would then be finite), the love I now feel from Rob remains the same. After his passing, Rob enveloped me in love and support, swathed me with endless patience and warmth, steering me away from a marriage that had completely derailed me. I finally began to see that a good relationship is supportive and can only succeed if both partners hold and propel each other with the greatest imaginable love.

Magical realism in reality

Another Davis began very early in the Lion Hearts blogs. Rob and I organically ended up there after his passing, but it was Rob himself who, from the very beginning of our contact, essentially introduced it. This began with his story and explanation of magical realism on February 25, 2006—the world in which all events almost magically align, everything has meaning and purpose, wondrous yet still real things happen, and nothing is coincidental. (See Lion Hearts III and Lion Hearts IV)

Rob Nanninga, February 25, 2006: “I can still remember one time in a dream where I saw the solution to a puzzle in an adventure game. That was quite handy because then I could finally continue with the game (the solutions were not available on the internet back then). I have also had a precognitive dream, which many might consider convincing evidence of precognition. I became somewhat superstitious for a while after that, but that gradually faded away. After that, I only entered into a sort of paranormal trance once. That was during a short vacation in Bruges where I attended a multi-day fairytale congress with two others. That week resembled a magical realist novel. A lot of surprising things happened and miraculous coincidences occurred that were all interconnected, as if nothing happened by chance. Just like in a good novel, I could detect foreshadowing, symbols, repetitions, reflections, parallels, leitmotifs, and double meanings everywhere. Although this was naturally due in large part to my own creativity, the events certainly lent themselves much better to such an analysis than usual, so much so that it also caught the attention of my travel companions. After I pointed out the common thread to them, they could follow it well.It was during this visit to Bruges (a real fairytale city, but somewhat bourgeois) that I decided to write a critical book about parapsychology. I told this to an American first. Right after that, I went to the book fair in Frankfurt to buy some recent professional literature from the US, which at the time took months to arrive if you ordered it from a bookstore. Among other things, I bought the book “The Psychology of the Psychic.” It had a chapter on coincidences that appealed to me greatly. After that, I didn’t experience many meaningful coincidences anymore. Or did I? On the day I had my manuscript duplicated at the copy shop to send it to publishers, unexpectedly, the American showed up at my doorstep, whom I hadn’t spoken to since Bruges.”

Download Psychology of the Psychic (chapter)

Rob was/is an extremely well-read person, and you could tell, in my opinion, from all his emails. Anyone who, like me, reads the relevant chapter will discover that the authors indeed provide very solid counterarguments regarding things considered ‘too coincidental to be chance.’ The explanation often lies in the fact that people only want to see the success stories and not all those other cases where things just went about their ordinary course without divine peculiarities. It remains Rob’s strength that he keeps things open, even in this email to me, as he ends with yet another very nice case of ‘improbably coincidental.’ Although I have few of these kinds of emails from him in which he discusses his own ‘paranormal’ experiences and things like magical realism, they provide a pleasant segue for me to establish a simple definition of magical realism in reality. I choose to fill this in, trusting that Rob and I are an entangled pair and are on the same page, with the term ‘synchronicities.’
In this blog, I want to introduce the ‘new’ value of magical realism for real life, not just as value in magical realist novels.
Magical realism as an existing value in reality is based on ‘very strong coincidence’ and synchronicities. Very strong coincidence refers to events that seem to coincide or happen in a remarkable way without a clear cause or connection. These could be situations where different events are interwoven in a surprising manner, or where something unexpected occurs at a moment that is particularly relevant or significant. It can also refer to events that seem extremely unlikely but still happen. Synchronicities are events that occur simultaneously in a meaningful way, without a clear causal connection, but are perceived by the individual as related or meaningful. With what I consider a good example of synchronicity, I begin this blog: At the moment of Rob’s passing, I officially knew nothing, but in exactly the same timeframe that Rob passed away, I was suddenly overwhelmed by a profoundly negative mood where everything seemed completely black and meaningless. “Very strong coincidence” and “synchronicities” have a strong overlap, with the difference being that synchronicities involve strong coincidences happening at the same or nearly the same moment in time.

A few examples of situations that can be considered “very strong coincidence”: I strike up a conversation with a complete stranger during one of my bike rides, and we discover that we were born on the same day, in the same year, and even in the same place.
Examples of synchronicities: You’re grappling with a particular problem, walk past the bookshelves in the library, and a book falls out that contains exactly the answers you need. Another example: You’re considering making an important decision and suddenly see a car with a license plate indicating something like “YES” or “GO AHEAD.” Rob Nanninga actually had a nice example for this in his book “Parariteiten,” but managed to ‘explain it away,’ and it speaks to his credit that he made a reservation expressed in the sentence: “In this case, it could be that…”

Download Parariteiten

These examples of magical realism illustrate how meaningful coincidences can occur, where events are mysteriously and seemingly unrelatedly connected. My idea about this ‘new’ scientific value (yes, I dare), is that it is increasingly happening, or rather, people are becoming aware of it, when they are alert and look up more for answers and beyond a linear concept of time. This brings the idea that we may live in a matrix into play as well.

I’ve now let AI assist me for a moment, and I must say: AI is very helpful in this case.

My question to AI was:

How are the idea of living in a matrix (simulation, life as a kind of game, hologram idea, etc.) and the phenomenon of synchronicities intricately intertwined, if they are at all?

AI was not shy in their response:

The idea of living in a matrix (simulation, life as a kind of game, hologram, etc.) and the phenomenon of synchronicities can be intricately intertwined in the following ways:

  1. Control and Programming:
    • In a simulation or matrix theory, it’s assumed that reality is controlled and programmed by a higher intelligence or advanced technology. Synchronicities, also known as meaningful coincidences, can be seen in this context as programmed events deliberately embedded in the simulation script by this higher intelligence to facilitate specific experiences or insights.
  2. Meaningful Patterns:
    • In a simulated reality, the experiences and events of individuals could potentially be consciously designed to form certain patterns and meanings. Synchronicities can be interpreted as indicators of these patterns, reinforcing the illusion of deeper meaning and connectedness in life.
  3. Consciousness and Perception:
    • The hologram or simulation concept suggests that what we experience as physical reality is a projection perceived by our consciousness. Synchronicities can then be seen as moments when consciousness ‘notices’ certain connections or symbols within the simulation, making it seem as if these events are meaningfully linked.
  4. Information Exchange:
    • Within a matrix or simulation, information can be exchanged in ways that may not be possible in a ‘real’ physical world. Synchronicities could then be examples of unexpected information exchanges or ‘glitches’ in the simulation that stimulate awareness and growth.
  5. The Role of the Observer:
    • In both simulation hypotheses and synchronicities, the observer plays a crucial role. The idea that our perception influences reality aligns with quantum physics and the observer effects often associated with synchronicities. This may suggest that the matrix is influenced by what its inhabitants believe and perceive.
  6. Existential Questions:
    • Both concepts raise existential questions about the nature of reality and our existence within it. They suggest that there is more than what we perceive with our senses and that our experiences are part of a larger, perhaps intentional design. Synchronicities can be seen as clues that encourage us to look beyond surface reality.

This intertwining provides a framework for understanding synchronicities within the context of a simulated or holographic reality, where such experiences can be meaningful as ‘bugs’ or ‘features’ of the matrix that give us a glimpse of the underlying structure of our reality.” (As per AI)

AI suggests here, simplified in my own words, that our world might be the creation of a very high intelligence and that synchronicities are built-in game elements meant to help us delve deeper into our reality. And I asked another question to AI:

Do you think there could be a meaningful connection between the existence of synchronicities and the possible existence of a Multiverse?

Here too, AI was not shy to respond: “There could be a meaningful link between the existence of synchronicities and the possible existence of a Multiverse. Synchronicities are often seen as meaningful coincidences that defy logical explanations, suggesting that there is a deeper connection between events, beyond our usual understanding of cause and effect. The concept of a Multiverse, where multiple, perhaps infinite, parallel universes exist, could provide a framework for understanding how such seemingly unlikely events could occur. If these universes occasionally intersect or influence each other, that could explain why synchronicities occur. However, this is speculative and remains a fascinating subject for further exploration in both science and philosophy.

I want to summarize this for my readers who might be leaning back in their chairs, a little startled, with: “There is so much more.” 😊 But again, in my own words: In moments of cosmic rift, the different versions of the multiverse intersect, leading to very strange and stubborn coincidences, synchronicities. An example: that book falling off the shelf, and it happens to be the perfect book for your problem, is caused by the tear in the Cosmos from the other you who just pulled that book out of the shelf and dropped it. With this blog, I hope to stimulate serious exploration of these ideas.

Rob became inadvertently more concrete, clearly leaning towards the multiverse idea, when I introduced him to the movie “Another Earth” in 2011, which he then watched himself, and from November 8, 2011, jokingly began signing some of his emails with “Bor” instead of “Rob.” (See Lion Hearts V).

The battle

For the writing of this blog, I naturally had to revisit all my previous Lionhearts blogs. There I stumbled upon my own intimate revelations, both about my marriage to my ex and much more about the intimacies between Another Davis Rob, the lions, and myself. I hadn’t forgotten these, but apparently, I had parked them in a far corner of my mind. I must say: this now brings me, in 2024, to a new sense of embarrassment. I’m not going to retrospectively withdraw some of the very explicit confessions; what’s the point with the Internet Archive, and some people have already read them anyway? Perhaps I’ve become more Americanized, more prudish, if you will (not in actions, but in the thought that you shouldn’t lay everything on the table). Also, now being 56 years old, I might be a bit calmer and more cautious. Well, what’s done is done? Or perhaps not, wink wink, in the multiverse worlds and versions? Every disadvantage has its advantage: with the richness of details, it serves as a living and breathing brain on which I can rely solidly as my years begin to count. Perhaps there are also people who appreciate that I was so explicit.
Desperately, I wondered how I could ever continue on Earth without the physical Rob. The answer was: “I can’t.” The answer still is: “I can’t.” Rob was already during my marriage, when he was still physically on Earth, my only beacon of hope. I hadn’t even realized that all those years since 2005, when I virtually met Rob, but this became painfully clear on Ascension Day 2014. Life tries to coax me time and time again, my body cells want to survive, my body whispers escape routes and ideas to me so it can survive itself. The dramatic event with the two Henryk Vogels is one of them (see here, here, and here). The immense sorrow over Rob is still there and is greater than all the tricks human nature wants to play on me. Our love is greater. But life kept clinging to me, and still does.
The past ten years have been inhumanly heavy, especially in terms of loneliness, and no, I’m not exaggerating here. Due to the disruptive effect of my marriage with my ex, I have become unaccustomed to engaging socially and physically, and progress in this area is only happening in micro steps. Sometimes it seems like I don’t even want it anymore. I also struggle quite a bit with my body, especially at night. Although I wrote earlier this year that I had “stopped taking paracetamol,” I must now retract that statement. Yes, I was so proudly abstinent for five months because of nighttime stomach pain, but it turned out that quitting didn’t bring relief. On the contrary, the discomfort in and around my stomach area seemed to worsen. Possibly, the damage or hypersensitivity is simply irreversible. And the annoying pulsating of the vein in my left temple usually stops when I take paracetamol. Overall, it seems that especially my head greatly appreciates the substance.
The ten years between Rob and me were a constant eruption of love, that was the other side. Rob, the skeptic, continued the adventure with me from Another Davis, as best as he could. Certainly, he too has fought a battle. The effort on both sides is immense. I dare to say all this in the blessing that comes with the idea of the quantum entangled couple. After all: we don’t even have to ‘try’ to reach each other, we are already together without visible or invisible lines. Breaking our quantum entanglement would, I think, only be possible if the shared core of love were no longer there. Iopt out on that one, and I hope Rob does too. This was and is a relationship that has gone through all the ebbs and flows over the past ten years.

And time and time again, when I was at my wit’s end, the flame beneath my earthly despair and loneliness began to flicker, encouragements came, and still come: “Hang in there!” Let me give a few examples. I’m completely in love with the new inner crew Rob Nanninga lion “Surprise” with his beautiful soft mane, his attentive and lightly ironic, heavenly eyes. I’m head over heels for all the inner crew Rob lions, and the infatuation strikes again and again. And last March, my mind made a beautiful connection: the lion had literally arrived like a ball, and another word for ball is “Orb.” That word is itself a skeptical wink because “orbs” in photos are often seen by paranormal believers as spirits or energies. Suddenly, the word Rob rolled over to Orb, and then I immediately had a new name tag made for Rob Surprise Lion. My mind then continues to play with the name of the new Rob lion: Surprise Orb, Supreme Orb, Sublime Orb, Superb Orb, Super Orb, Stunning Orb…

Another morale booster this year was when I Googled the name “Roelof Hendrik Nanninga” once again. And Google said, “Pop!” A new discovery once again highlighted the healthy, skeptical, resistance-offering power of the Nanninga force. Not Rob, but likely a relative of his with the exact same name and location in Groningen, popped up. A Dutch resistance hero who had hidden weapons for the Germans, was subsequently arrested and imprisoned by those same Germans, but fortunately lived to tell the tale when he was liberated by the Americans in 1945! Given the age, he could have been his grandfather or a brother of a grandfather. It seems too coincidental that someone with the exact same name and also located in Groningen was not related to Rob. Such new pieces of information, like when I managed to dig up Rob’s media appearances at the Beeld en Geluid institution, provide fresh fuel for my Rob-flame.

Pseudo-skeptical, unbelieving, and disapproving scoffers and deniers came and lingered. I pay no further attention to these individuals, but I still want to mention them once. Nevertheless, our love triumphs. Surprise! We are still standing. After ten years. And as far as I’m concerned, we will always continue to do so.


I recently replaced my iPad Pro, unfortunately just a bit too early for the latest version (secretly, I’m a bit annoyed, perhaps replace it early). After that, I subscribed to an Apple TV subscription again because: free for three months. And as the first thing, after binge-watching the entire Harry Potter series, I randomly clicked on Apple Originals and watched those. And indeed, there, with iron determination, Apple also presented quantum physics and cosmic insights. The Apple Originals 2024 series “Dark Matter” and “Constellation” revolve entirely around this theme, and so do the Apple Originals 2023 series “Crowded Room” and the movie “Ghosted.”

Two screen-photos of the Apple Ghosted movie and I added the cat in the fridge.

Nothing happens by chance, it seems time and time again. That’s precisely what I’ve been preoccupied with since the beginning of the Lion Hearts blogs: trying to determine ‘where’ Rob is now, if he still exists, and how our relationship extends so far across the universe and even beyond the universe. I’ve delved into highlights of quantum physics several times in my Leeuwenharten blogs, such as in Lion Hearts VII, quantum entanglement like with Schrödinger’s cat, the multiverse idea, and the (quantum) entangled pair.

“The idea of a second, twin or Counter-Earth is not the same as the concept of a Parallel or Multiverse world. The two concepts do have in common that they both suggest that strange things are going on in our universe, and that there’s much more than meets the eye. ” Lion Hearts V

“My impression of the existence of “astral”, parallel, multiverse worlds is that together they enable a continuum. One world is attached to the other, and together the worlds form an infinite “DNA” strand, through which people also travel, creating an eternal link of interlocking possibilities. ” Lion Hearts VI

Hot stuff! Just to be clear: I know very little about quantum physics, and the cheese not even vegan, as I’ve been eating some goat cheese occasionally lately (that’s new, I hadn’t done that until around 2023). I’ve been assisted by AI in the following piece of text, and I’m putting it forward not only for you but also for myself. I haven’t fully grasped everything yet. But then again, who has? Hopefully, someone with a sharp quantum physics mind can build on it in a positive way.

Can we continue to exist? Can different parallel worlds coexist, as proposed in the many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics? In this interpretation of quantum mechanics, all possible outcomes of a quantum event become reality, but in separate, parallel universes. This means that there may be versions of us that continue to live in other universes while we may be dead in our own universe. Although life and death are absolute states within a single universe, the multiverse offers a perspective of a kind of continuity of existence. What is the influence of the observer, and is the observer actually the key? In the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum physics, the observer plays a crucial role: the state of a system (the superposition in which something is indeterminate, both dead and alive) is only determined by observation. This reminds me of the process of reading books: as soon as you open a book and continue reading, the characters ‘come to life’ again, in a unique way for each reader. Think also of the classic “Die Unendliche Geschichte,” which introduces this principle in a grand manner: as soon as you open the book, the story comes to life and ‘continues’. Michael Ende says something that I imagine aligns with the role of the observer in quantum physics. He suggests that the book belongs to no one and is different for everyone (see the last image in the gallery). So, the observer determines, in line with the Copenhagen interpretation. Although the many-worlds interpretation is less dependent on the observer for determining outcomes, the observer experiences only one of the many possible outcomes in a specific universe. This concept of the multiverse makes us contemplate the infinite possibilities that may surround our existence.

You could simplify this principle even further to just one single unit: Love. As long as there is Love, the subject of that love is also alive. But I don’t mean this only theoretically, but truly alive and breathing. And because this is a blog, I can simply say this without having to prove it under laboratory conditions. Now that the phrase “laboratory conditions” comes up, I want to revisit what I said earlier about the difficulty of proving the existence of out-of-body experiences, in which I myself did not succeed sufficiently. If indeed a multiverse exists, it could be that you project into the ‘wrong’ multiverse, preventing a conclusive match with the version where you are physically present at that moment. Only an out-of-body experience with clear consciousness in exactly the same multiverse would then have a chance of success. Believe me, I’m not secretly trying to convince skeptics, I’m simply presenting it as a thought, a possibility. But this is not fantasy. Rob is truly present. His influence is felt day and night, as seen in my previous blog Syncblast 2024. I even believe that Rob not only protects me but also my bike, the Trek 7.3 that saw the light of day on Monday, June 3, 2013, and that I have been riding for over 10 years now: the red bike that faithfully accompanies me. Another lucky ten-year anniversary!

Yes, I believe that Rob’s influence extends so far, and much further. The (pseudo)skeptics, like Pepijn van Erp, haven’t dared to challenge me regarding the Leeuwenharten blogs. Oh yes, he considered it (tell me it’s not true, Van Erp), he was already working on it. But they can’t win this battle because love conquers all. Always. Strange things happen in this regard as well, things that make me think that the cosmos and Rob are not exactly gentle when it comes to protecting me, because they do. The stakes seem to be extremely high.

The Davis house

This house where I’ve been living since October 2011 is a laid-back and, as far as I’m concerned, magical-realistic house. As seemingly? easily as my ex walked out the door here in 2017, that’s how attached I am to this house.
In this house lived my housemate Jocelyn. When my ex left, I found myself in an acute financial attention situation. I started looking for housemates, and Jocelyn was the first to walk in here as a candidate through a Facebook advertisement. From the summer of 2017 until the beginning of the pandemic, I had housemates. I immediately liked Jocelyn. She stayed for two years to complete her bachelor’s degree in Psychology at UC Davis. Then she left back to Los Angeles, where her family lives. We didn’t keep in touch. But then there was a surprise here. A snippet from her email, which I received on March 9, 2023: “[…] I always thought you were a cool and interesting person despite us not talking for a while. And over time my appreciation for the experience at the house has grown, as well as an interest for Dutch culture. I made a friend from the Netherlands and we like to share things about each other’s cultures and have even sent gift packages with things like snacks/foods from our countries. (It turns out I’m not the biggest fan of licorice…) In fact, I am making a trip with my brother to Europe later this month, visiting the Netherlands, Belgium, and France for 1 week.” I even received a postcard from the Efteling, where she had been. She didn’t know that this meant something to Rob and me because she hadn’t read my blogs. All of this was such a surprise to me that, as far as I’m concerned, it falls under magical realism. Suddenly, I also knew who I could leave my concrete belongings as well as my digital legacy to, see my previous blog for that. It all fell into place; she has even started learning the Dutch language, she knows me and the house, and she’s also a Leo by zodiac sign. When she left as a housemate, she gave me a small plastic lion. It now sits by a portrait of Rob. Since mid-April 2024, she has been living with the Dutch friend and his parents to explore how the match works. She’s quite a talented artist, as seen in image 1, and in image 2, a photo of her visit to Bataviastad:

When I asked Meta AI to depict Another Davis and described it in just a few sentences, I had to endure a lot of junk results. But suddenly, a stroke of luck appeared, as almost always happens with me. A house that seems to have been sawed in half, with a small part on the left to refute that idea. First, a “Huw” flashed through my mind, and then a “Hey!”. I live in the right half of a teal (blue-green) colored, wooden duplex house with a slightly sloping roof, as seen from the street. But I absolutely didn’t ask Meta AI for this! The next day, I saw even more striking details in this coincidence: the exact color of my current house, the lawn as I have it in my front yard, even the coniferous trees, like the coniferous tree in my front yard, were correctly placed in the background in the AI image. This AI representation came with complete magical realism straight from the cosmos to me. And I can assure you, AI isn’t there yet, they can’t read minds if you describe your desired house in five sentences. I hadn’t used the term “duplex house,” only “house.” But that’s how it is: Rob also lives in this house, in the ‘counterpart’, which would make this house one (and not the duplex part of my nice earthly neighbors Tamera and Syed). The magical realism between Rob and me was already there with our addresses in the Netherlands: Rob lived at Westerkade 20 in Groningen and I at Weststraat 20 in Scheveningen.

The magical-realistic Earth

I would like to conclude this blog with a vision of all the worlds that exist. It will undoubtedly come across as science fiction, but who knows, perhaps Rob and I are close to the fire. I believe that human civilization on Earth has various possible futures, in what I call the ‘multiverses.’ I now put quotation marks around the word ‘future’ because, given the above, time is not linear but rather an infinite series, a ‘ball,’ of possibilities. One possibility is that humanity will completely destroy itself, with wars already happening but on a global scale and even more devastating. The other possibility, which I hope for and consider equally likely, is that humanity will become wiser and make every effort to save what can be saved. In that case, I predict a world imbued with magical realism, where ‘synchronicities’ play an increasingly significant role, and wondrous events are observed worldwide through the perception rifts in the cosmos, which are also demonstrable to science. In my expectation, these perception rifts will become larger and more numerous, thinning the veils between the multiverse worlds and beckoning a unity of worlds. The progress in studying the strange leaps of quantum physics and the growing interest in it, in my opinion, send a clear signal in that direction.

Courtesy Eline Hulspas. Lightly edited by me

Although I’m not a fan of repetition, I’m going to repeat this song that I already shared and discussed in “The White Raven“. The emphasis here is on the parts in bold:

When the desert sun has passed horizon's final light
And darkness takes it's place...
We will pause to take our rest.
Sharing songs of love,
Tales of tragedy.

The souls of heaven
Are stars at night.
They will guide us on our way,
Until we meet again
Another day.

When a poet sings the song and all are hypnotized,
Enchanted by the sound...
We will mark the time as one,
Tandem in the sun.
The rhythm of a hymn.

The souls of heaven
Are stars at night.
They will guide us on our way,
Until we meet again
Another day.
When the dawn has come
Sing the song,
All day long.

We will move as one,
Bear the load
On the road.

The souls of heaven
Turn to stars
Every single night
All across the sky...
They shine.

Lion Hearts previous parts

Part I – Rob Nanninga – Who took (t)his picture?
Who took (t)his picture?
Drawings I made
Who took (t)his picture, continued
Question answered
More photos of Rob Nanninga
Part II – Lion, Where Are You?
Cuddly lions
Devastated even before I officially knew
Looking for Rob after he passed away
The other end of the universe
Finding Rob
Part III – Rob Nanninga, The Lion
How we met
The Rob-Constantia connection
The fallout and Rob’s passing
Astral Wanderwege
Astral cycling
Astral Blitz
Magical Realism
Astral Wanderwege, continued
The astral Peter R. de Vries
Finding Rob, recap
Astral Wanderwege, continued
The magic (intermediate) final
“Stenny” & “Parameter”, A FOK Story In 9 Images
Part IV – Lion Hearts
Plush lions
The amazing Whiskers
Plush lions continued
Turning point
The jealous lion
The Rob Nanninga lion quad
Caring for the lions
Cycling and seeing Rob
Rob in my dreams, role-play
Rob’s photo and the drawing I made
Magical realism, the lion ring of God
Rob’s music and Darkwood
Rob in my out-of-body and related experiences
Rob’s healing influence
Lion hearts
Stats and “raps”
Rob Nanninga lion art in collaboration with Neural Painter
Part V – The Roar
Part I: The Roar
Part II: Roaring Events
Raptures: Orgasmic Outbursts
Out-of-body and dream related events
The wish-you-were-here-song
The enclosing
The sudden swoop
Rob emerging
Air-jumping Lions
Moving in with Rob
Rob in the air
The not-vegan, whistle-lollipop
Erect tail
Getting through
The shepherds
Striking things named separately
Funny positions
Music and love songs
Seeking Vice versa
Dense shaped
Healing effect
Getting better all the time
Kissing skills
Astral eroticism
Rob traveling to me!
Part VI – Steppin’ Out With My Baby 🕺
Part I: “Steppin’ Out With My Baby, Can’t Go Wrong Cause I’m In Right”
Another Davis
Let’s get physical
On the crook side
Part II: Robs en Constantia’s Steppin’ Outs
OBEs and related experiences
Part VII – Quantum Entanglement
The magic-realistic Live Photo in Davis-Ivy Town
Quantum Entanglement
Snert particles!
New media files!
Gallery Space and Quantum Entanglement
Part VIII – Ascension
Gym blues
Plans for the Netherlands
Magical Realism continues
Robbert and Stan
Stan and Alan
The Brakes
Rob Nanninga quotes
Gallery 2020
Part IX – Wanderjahre (Journeyman years)
Lion 10!
Aviator in town,
A tribute to the Night Witches, “Unknown Soldier” and to Darkwood:
Family, mother
Miracles and other wonders
Gallery continued

Disclaimer: The following can be seen as a quest and thus also as an encouragement and stimulus for others to conduct similar research into understanding our reality, which, I dare say, is infinitely more complex and deeper than it appears to the human eye. My blog is therefore not intended as the bearer of a new dogma.

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