St Anna – USA version

St. Anna Church and Cemetery on Aruba
Image editing and copyright first image: Constantia Oomen

Joran van der Sloot speaking to John van den Heuvel, who filmed Joran with a hidden camera without his prior consent or that of the prison management in February 2016 in Peru.

Update August 27, 2023. Roel Wiche from “De Limburger” highlights the FBI conversation and points out the various numbering possibilities of the graves at St. Anna. De Limburger Telegraaf


In 2023, things started to get quite tumultuous for Stan Pluijmen, his spouse Lana Sieradzka (formerly: Alan Sieradzki), and me. Stan and I had finally, since 2020, found ourselves in a personal conversation away from the public eye, thanks to Ilan Hoekstra. Our chat conversations primarily took place via Telegram, Twitter, and WhatsApp. But an impending storm was also beginning to take shape, both in the Peruvian prison with Joran van der Sloot and in the Joran van der Sloot-Natalee Holloway case.

I noticed that Stan was more hunted than ever before. I had known him since 2012 in various capacities, from a mischief-maker to a charmer and even a hacker, but never like this! While I chatted with him, with him often sending me voice messages – he doesn’t like writing and is dyslexic – and I responding through writing (so basically, mirrored to Stan), I heard, purely through audio, that he was pacing around his room like crazy. He often repeated himself and went on for hours telling me about all his worries. At some point, it truly took a toll on my energy. The ‘new’ Stan, who hadn’t been actively involved in Robbert van den Broeke’s ‘medium’ activities since 2019-2020, suddenly came across as a bit less kind and gentle. He seemed less vibrant and acted more forcefully. It quickly became apparent that there were a few main concerns: the extradition of his former friend Joran van der Sloot to Alabama and his identity issue. Stan’s Dutch ID was set to expire in 2024, and in his case, this wasn’t just a simple matter that could be solved by renewing it. The third, quite different, factor was Lana’s transition to becoming a woman. Stan and Alan got married on June 6, 2017 (not in 2018, as recently reported in the Dutch media multiple times), and over the past few years, it became increasingly clear that Lana wasn’t feeling comfortable in her own skin. Slowly, a quiet and timid Alan transformed into a much more extravagant and visibly happier Lana. Lana had struggled with her femininity for years and encouraged by a tolerant, loyal, and supportive Stan, she decided to officially embrace life as a woman. For that, she had to confront her mother, who put up quite a personal fight and made a big fuss about it, along with the Polish government. In a legal case, she had to obtain the support of her parents, and only then would she be allowed to officially receive a new ID. She managed to achieve this after a significant amount of hardship.

But there was also great unrest within me personally. In 2024, the modest monthly financial support I receive from my ex will expire, and with it, the last tangible tie to my ex will dissolve. The eternal dance of existence, the shadows of life and death, continue to occupy my mind, while I still reject the thought of aging. Both for Stan and for me, 2024 approached as a milestone in our journey through earthly time.

Stan had been evading Dutch authorities for years. While it’s possible to buy ID cards online or elsewhere with your own photo on them, border authorities, if you come into contact with them intentionally or unintentionally, are not easily fooled. And Stan was well aware of that. He rarely left his (Polish) house anymore, while Lana dared to move around a bit more freely. In 2023, Stan decided that he could no longer bear this life on the run, and he was determined to face the Dutch authorities. He began searching for a Dutch lawyer who could help him resolve his ‘money laundering’ tax dispute with the Dutch government. He mentioned a few names to me, and I looked up the mentioned lawyers and told him which ones appealed to me and which ones didn’t.

I had chat contact with both Stan and Lana, but especially with Stan. Without going into detail, since both Stan, Lana, and I prefer not to look back on this, it led, clearly attributable to the tensions that were fully present on both sides, to a new escalation between Stan, Lana, and me in May 2023. I was so angry, particularly with Stan and to a lesser extent with Lana, that I deleted my entire WhatsApp account, with a message to Stan saying, “I never want anything to do with you again.”

The last I had heard directly from Lana about her transition to being a woman was that the final phase of her transformation would take place on Stan and Alan’s (Lana’s) wedding day on June 6, 2023, in Spain. I remembered this quite well because June 6 is also my mother’s birthday. When, out of the blue, I received an email on June 19, 2023, about Stan Pluijmen from Sebastiaan Quekel of AD (Algemeen Dagblad), I was completely unsuspecting. I responded with some suspicion, and in this aspect, I’m starting to resemble Stan, asking if this might be more sensational news gathering about Joran van der Sloot. When Sebastiaan noticed that I wasn’t willing to speak with him on the phone, he immediately dropped a bombshell and informed me that Stan and Lana had been arrested in Spain during the night of Friday, June 10, 2023. Then he asked me what I had to say about it.

I was completely taken aback. I believed Stan’s statements that he couldn’t bear, let alone survive, a prison sentence, and I knew why Stan and Lana had just arrived in Spain. Immediately, I was deeply concerned about their well-being. In the following weeks, I advocated for Stan and Lana with Sebastiaan Quekel and Roel van Wiche from “De Limburger” (who also reached out to me on his own initiative). In my opinion, Stan and Lana needed to be released as soon as possible for various reasons. No, Stan wasn’t a major criminal; yes, he’s more of a modern Robin Hood, and yes, Lana is his loving and wise wife. I also launched a one-woman campaign on my Instagram with illustrated posts meant to support Stan and Lana and engage the public in their favor. To my relief, Stan and Lana were portrayed positively in the mentioned newspapers, considering the circumstances. After an unnecessarily lengthy month in a Spanish prison, they were eventually handed over to the Netherlands. Shortly after their release, Lana contacted me through TikTok chat, and we spoke with love (no more harsh words). On July 29th and 30th, I received 14 one-line emails from Stan in which he reiterated his love for me and made other cosmic statements. Also, on August 10th, I received an email from Stan. According to Lana, the Spanish prison authorities had unnecessarily held them for a long time, as they receive 200 euros per day per EU prisoner. Furthermore, the Dutch authorities were only informed of their detention after two weeks, most likely for the same reason, as Lana told me. They were eventually released in mid-July 2023! The Dutch police investigator had been very respectful to both Lana and Stan. In my opinion, they were released expediently because their personal characteristics had already become clear in the media. Thanks to what I call the Cosmos, they encountered two very sympathetic journalists: Quekel from AD and Wiche from De Limburger.

The extradition of Van der Sloot from Peru to the United States certainly added to Stan’s worries. Stan had often voiced his dissatisfaction with being continuously linked to Van der Sloot, despite their friendship having ended. He disliked the persistent association between them. In this, Stan absolutely has a valid point. Unfortunately, many people tend to think in black-and-white frames and are rarely willing to adjust their own perspective. After all, it’s quite reassuring and comfortable to consider oneself superior to others. It takes courage and love to truly empathize with another and to be able to admit one’s own mistakes. Stan’s antennas had been on red alert, and that proved to be justified, as evidenced by the arrest of Stan and Lana in the night of Friday, June 10, 2023. For weeks, there was uncertainty: was Stan arrested due to his connection with Joran van der Sloot or due to Dutch ‘money laundering practices’? On June 8, 2023, Joran van der Sloot was extradited to the US government. Everything happened almost simultaneously! The trial regarding the extortion of Beth Holloway had begun! But was it secretly perhaps more than just the extortion case between Van der Sloot and Holloway? Did Alabama maybe want to see this missing person case finally resolved once and for all?

Ilan Hoekstra, who had been mulling over his interest in Stan Pluijmen like a broody hen, suddenly woke up to the impending extradition of Joran van der Sloot. He dusted off his plans and brought out the cavalry: yes! The Stan documentary was a go anyway! The title would be “The Friends of Joran van der Sloot”! The subtitles followed suit: Part 1: “Joran,” Part 2: “Robbert,” Part 3: “Stan,” and Part 4: “Kees”! During the production of Part 1 on Thursday, June 22, 2023, Hoekstra and his team were hit with a surprise by Stan and Lana’s arrest. He was definitely on a hot trail!

My first reaction to Part 4 and its title, which I saw a day before its publication, was: “Wait, wait, what, Kees… Kees, who, not THAT Kees?”: Kees van der Spek. Yes, indeed, that Kees. I sent Ilan an email with not only what I considered to be important substantive concerns but also the following: “The title makes it seem as if Kees is a friend of Joran’s, you might almost think that Kees is, considering his reluctance to pursue the St. Anna tip.” So, in terms of the title, the Podcast is inaccurate, since to my knowledge, Kees isn’t a friend of Joran’s.

Ilan Hoekstra successfully produced three parts that I, as an expert on the case, was quite satisfied with. However, in the final episode, in my opinion, he stumbled considerably by consulting the know-it-all, and in this case, certainly jaded Kees van der Spek, regarding Stan and the St. Anna cemetery. I had an uneasy premonition about Part 4 the whole time, and it turned out to be true. In Part 4, Ilan suddenly, in his own words, “consulted” Van der Spek, who then proceeded to delicately elucidate that Stan had been an ordinary, naive young man and a victim of Joran, with the entire St. Anna cemetery story being just one of Joran’s many tales to a gullible Stan. I’m quoting Van der Spek in its entirety (excluding Hoekstra’s parts in between).

Kees van der Spek spoke on the phone to Ilan Hoekstra on June 22, 2023:

“Here we go again. And I immediately thought: oh, this is a guy who sees himself as some kind of Robin Hood, and he’s seen a hero in Joran, and he believes, yes, this is obviously a guy who doesn’t see things in perspective very well, and certainly not a crime journalist, in fact quite the opposite, and he’s been taken in by that guy. [interlude Ilan] Joran is a very clever guy and he’s thinking: yes, I can just, he’s received three hundred and fifty grand from him, what the fuck, it just shows again that Joran is simply an opportunist. I think Joran is taking advantage of a weak brother. [interlude Ilan] Okay, listen, if you narrow down the story into that funnel, to the merits, and this isn’t to downsize it, but you’re just asking for my honest opinion, and I think I should give that, in my strong feeling, Joran has also just used this guy like so many others, and after the expose by Patrick van der Eem, he certainly wouldn’t let himself be screwed over like that again. I think that conversation with Patrick van der Eem was a turning point, he got away with that, and then he started playing chess. [interlude Ilan] He wrote a book, he asked Greta van Susteren for money in America, he also extorted Natalee’s mother, I suppose, he wanted 250,000 euros for that golden tip. [interlude Ilan] In my view, it’s just a pattern. The friends of Joran van der Sloot are maybe occasionally friends of Joran van der Sloot who thought that Joran was really their friend, but they’re mainly pawns in a chess game where Joran is constantly making money, that’s all they are. What do you think, what’s your perspective when you look at it like that?”

In Van der Spek’s final sentence, the perfect moment and opportunity for Ilan Hoekstra to truly appreciate the value of St. Anna’s significance lay, but unfortunately, that didn’t happen—quite the opposite, in fact. The fact that Joran van der Sloot never voluntarily provided this St. Anna information to Stan, but rather that Stan had hacked Joran’s phone using a Trojan Horse and stumbled upon the St. Anna information in this manner, seemed to completely escape the notice of both Ilan Hoekstra and Kees van der Spek. Later on, Joran did talk to Stan about St. Anna and Natalee, during which he mentioned things like how Natalee Holloway had come into contact with a stone due to Joran’s actions and had tragically lost her life as a result. The recent article from The Messenger seamlessly aligns with this, and in my opinion, they have already produced multiple very good pieces about Joran van der Sloot.

But no, Van der Spek knew better: it was all just more Joran nonsense. But had Van der Spek conducted any research on St. Anna in Aruba? Not at all! He hadn’t done it at all! To my surprise, Ilan had actually gone there and discovered that there was indeed a grave with the number 15, but, as he suddenly found out, there were even several of them, they were letter and number combinations, like AB15, AC15, BC15, Ilan mentioned some more numbers like 18. Hoekstra also mentions in part 4 that he had email contact with Van den Broeke, but that Van den Broeke still claimed he had received his St. Anna information clairvoyantly.

By the way, Robbert van den Broeke made an erroneous prediction on his YouTube channel regarding the extradition of Joran van der Sloot. He suggested that during this extradition, there could be an escape attempt or even an assassination. He included his now very standard disclaimer: “But it doesn’t have to be that way, I could also be wrong, you know, people,” which systematically undermines his credibility as a predictor. Joran van der Sloot arrived in Alabama with his tail between his legs, clearly exhausted but still sporting his now familiar unflappable grin. There were no Lucky Luke-Daltons-Wild West situations that had occurred. Van den Broeke seems to have (largely, definitively?) stopped finding or creating crop circles and manipulating photos and videos, probably partly because Stan no longer supports him in such practices. If Robbert van den Broeke is indeed mentally very ill, as I believe, that deserves compassion, but it doesn’t grant him unlimited lying privileges that others don’t have. Upon inquiry by Ilan Hoekstra in June 2023, he reiterated his Natalee Holloway, St. Anna “clairvoyant information” lie. What’s telling to me is that unlike Stan, who apologized to me a thousand times for his past behavior, Robbert van den Broeke has never revisited his wrongdoings towards me and a whole group of people who received his hate and threatening emails, nor has he ever offered an apology. Similarly, he has never admitted to any of his deceptions towards his audience, and I have extensively described and proven (see my blogs about Robbert van den Broeke) that those deceptions were many and one times.

In short: Van den Broeke persists in his lies and shows no remorse.

To my dumbfounded surprise, Ilan suddenly concluded that the entire St. Anna story was nothing, even though he had seen with his own eyes that there were indeed grave numbers, that the graves were above ground because the ground on Aruba is too hard, and that objects could indeed be slid in there. Natalee was also very small and light in build, allowing her wrongdoers to effectively conceal her lifeless body using this method. No way in hell would any (superstitious) bloke even dare to crack open one of them grave doors. In my view, this should have been considered by the local police and local investigators in the very first year after her disappearance. Where would you go if you were in a panic and had the body of a beautiful, delicate, and small girl? Please forget everything and everyone around you for a moment, put yourself in the shoes of an Aruban or someone who has lived there for a long time, knows the island well, and think along with me as someone who, in this case, doesn’t want to go to the Police and never wants to be connected to the death of this beautiful, innocent girl. What comes to mind? What do you know? Joran and his father were certainly familiar with the beautiful St. Anna church and the unique, very unlikeDutch burial practice in the above-ground grave houses. Some of these grave houses are empty or open. Internet sleuth colleague Martijn Mastenbroek, who has faithfully and solidly followed along with me on the for years (and vice versa), sent me a shocking example of this via Google Street View. Mastenbroek and I always agreed that St. Anna remained the neglected aspect in the Natalee Holloway case.

Once I was given a preview of part 4 by Ilan Hoekstra, I immediately emailed him back saying, “Don’t publish this, revise it!” However, Hoekstra did not heed my advice. As soon as he had published his part 4, the ratings of his series started dwindling daily, from a consistent 99% and 98% to 74% and even lower each day. Did listeners sense that they had been somewhat deceived by part 4? If you haven’t actually investigated the St. Anna theory, can you then conclude that the entire suggestion is nonsense? This is the danger for established crime journalists like John van den Heuvel and Kees van der Spek. They’ve done so much with this case that they’re starting to generalize, and a sense of being blasé is beginning to take hold. Prejudice can be the reason a case is never solved! Additionally, in this case, the fact that there was so much reporting on Joran meant that most people couldn’t separate the wheat from the chaff, not even crime journalists. As a result, my own blogs went largely unnoticed as well.

Almost, but not quite! Thanks to Sebastiaan Quekel and Roel Wiche, my name had been mentioned in connection with Stan, Lana, and also Joran van der Sloot in the Dutch press. As I mentioned, everything came and comes together in 2023. On July 21, 2023, I suddenly received an email, for the first time!, from the FBI in Alabama. They had found my blogs! The question was clear: “Can we get in touch?” I was more than willing to do so; I had already tried to contact the FBI and Beth Holloway several times, both through her lawyers (without any response from them), via social media (Twitter), by phone, and by email, but I had never received a serious answer from anyone. Not even when I called the FBI in Sacramento in 2017 about the Stan-Joran-St. Anna story. On the other end of the line, I encountered someone who didn’t even know who Natalee Holloway was. A woman who listened to my explanation with ignorance and barely concealed disinterest, and “noted it down,” after which, of course, I never heard anything again.

On the FBI poster about Natalee Holloway, it says: “If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office, the nearest American Embassy or Consulate, or you can submit a tip online at Field Office: Birmingham.” My ‘mistake’ was that I hadn’t seen that “Birmingham”, I should have immediately contacted/written to the FBI of Alabama. Eventually, in 2023, I still had contact with the FBI and spoke for an hour and five minutes with the FBI agent who took all the time for me and listened very attentively. At the end of the conversation, he asked me to keep our contact and the content of the conversation confidential, and that’s exactly what I did. The conversation revolved around Joran and Stan and took various turns. I deliberately, emphatically, and repeatedly talked about the suggestion of St. Anna.


Allow me kindly to present the following matters for your consideration, while imagining that we’re sitting together around a beautifully large campfire in Death Valley in the winter (not too hot). These topics still retain their relevance, but they do require a certain expanded consciousness mindset from your end. We are now amid the absence of urban light pollution, the stars and galaxies adorn the night sky with their astonishing clarity. It’s akin to the realm of magical realism, a concept that, as a skeptic myself, I believe holds its own validity. In my view, this intricate narrative involving Stan, Robbert, Rob Nanninga, Joran van der Sloot, Natalee Holloway, myself, and many others, including people like Peter R. de Vries and Ilan Hoekstra, unveils complex, enigmatic connections that are closely observed by the sagacious and contemplative intelligentsia above.

It was the skeptical leader (until 2014), Rob Nanninga, who introduced me to this term, and those familiar with this website know that even the name of this site, “Parameter,” is a reference to Rob Nanninga. He used this name on the FOK forum in a thread about Robbert van den Broeke. He even wanted to name the Skepsis magazine “Parameter” (but that proposal was rejected). About four months after Rob’s shocking and sudden passing, I had one of the most remarkable out-of-body experiences of my entire life (and I’ve had thousands, so that says something):

2014 was the year of Rob’s passing and also the year when, since the fall of 2014, Robbert van den Broeke, who had been sending hate emails to his skeptics since 2012 (the main reason why I started this website!), really unleashed his hate tirades. Rob Nanninga’s passing, the man in his view who had caused his public downfall by exposing him with the googled “Genverbrander,” had died, and yes, that affected Van den Broeke. I’ll stick to this safe description. Although Van den Broeke had already come up with his ‘channeled’ information about Natalee Holloway via Stan in an earthly way in early 2014, Dutch crime reporter Peter R. de Vries was not at all in the picture for me at that time regarding this matter. Yet, there came this extremely curious ‘Queste’ out-of-body experience, which was about secret information being visible only under a specific light on matters. No matter how I turned and twisted this experience in my mind’s eye to try to discern its meaning, I couldn’t figure it out.

The commotion surrounding Robbert van den Broeke, Stan Pluijmen, Joran van der Sloot, and Natalee Holloway had been growing increasingly dominant since 2014. Therefore, around June 12, 2015, I sent a LinkedIn request to Peter R. de Vries, which he promptly accepted on June 13, 2015, albeit with some initial hesitation. De Vries was as he was with everyone: very courteous, refined, and friendly. I informed him about Robbert’s and Stan’s predicaments, but it became clear to me quite soon that he was very busy. I cut out my parts in between, but I wrote to him about the content of my blogs regarding Van den Broeke and Pluijmen here on Parameter. I also shared the St. Anna tip with Peter R. de Vries, but unfortunately, he never responded to me again. At the time, Stan’s ‘friend’ Micha Romijn did try to mislead me, suggesting that Stan had been on Aruba with Joran. As I explained in the Stan Pluijmen blog earlier, this was actually an attempt at blackmail by Romijn towards Stan. Romijn was attempting to get money from the modern-day Robin Hood, Stan, who had decided not to give him any more money.

In my mind, even more frequent and louder bells and whistles are going off about what I faithfully call “The Cosmos.” By this, I mean the assembly of highly developed personalities, the intelligentsia, formed by intelligence, purity, love, dedication, and skills. I believe that the Cosmos follows and provides a timeless cosmic plan, and that everything concerning Natalee Ann Holloway, including the year and location in which Beth Holloway may finally bring her daughter home, hopefully still in 2023 from St. Anna Churchyard? to Alabama, has long been written in the stars. This was true even back in 2014. Synchronicities seem to invite, like wisecracks from this Cosmos, a deeper look into the Joran-Natalee case. Of course, I cannot provide an all-encompassing answer to why the Natalee Holloway case unfolded in both earthly and cosmic ways as it did. However, I dare to assert that everything that occurs encompasses an epic facet of life lessons and opportunities for personal growth.

Examples of cosmic wisecracks:
– Regarding the St. Anna Church and St. Anna Churchyard also referred to as St. Ann, leave out the period and then read again.
– Natalee’s full name is Natalee Ann Holloway.
– I was born at St. Anna Hospital in Geldrop.
– My maternal grandmother, whom I never knew, was named Anna (Moerdijk).
Robbert (van den Broeke) – Rob (Nanninga) Rob Nanninga and Robbert van den Broeke are each other’s absolute antagonists on this website
Stan (Pluijmen) – Constantia (Oomen). Within the relevant blogs on this website, Stan Pluijmen and I emerge as the unwavering constants, intricately linked in a cosmic sense.
– In the exact year Stan Pluijmen was born, 1989, I changed my given name from “Stan” to “Sten” from 1989 until 2011 (the year I emigrated to America). I virtually met Stan only in 2012. Starting from late 2011, for the first time in my life (!), I began using my baptismal name, Constantia, as my given name. So after 1989, I was no longer “Stan.”
– Joran van der Sloot – Cees van der Sloot: Cees van der Sloot is very important to me and I consider him a soulmate alongside Rob Nanninga.
– Rob Nanninga and Joran van der Sloot share the same birthday, August 6th.
– Similar to Natalee’s fate, Stephany Flores’s life also ended near Joran van der Sloot, like a chilling parallel. Stephany Flores met her final destination on the same day as Natalee’s disappearance—May 30th, 2010—but then exactly five years later, involving Joran once again.
And so, we encounter, let me cautiously say, peculiarities in the Natalee Holloway case, at least from my personal perspective. Remarkable cosmic wisecracks are also added time and again, such as the fact that the FBI agent, like me, turned out to be 55 years old. This came up in our conversation by chance, as I mentioned that I was quite old. He chuckled (it was the only moment in the conversation when he revealed something personal) and said, “No, that’s not old, I’m 55 too.”.

The bells and whistles regarding Rob Nanninga sound like a heavenly symphony to me, for I strongly sense that since his passing in 2014, Rob Nanninga has been supporting me unwaveringly and significantly in everything I have done and continue to do. He has also prompted individuals like Stan to behave as he did. Why did Peter R. de Vries appear in my experiences related to Rob Nanninga as early as 2014, and why did that experience seem to guide me on a quest? Consider my sentence from 2014: “Was this perhaps intended as a sort of key to make the astral world visible?” Peter R. de Vries’ astral remark, “You should ask Mr. Nanninga about that,” sounds peculiar and fitting in 2023. After all, during the period of sporadic contact between Peter R. de Vries and me from 2015 to 2017, he couldn’t assist me. In fact, I did indeed need to ask the question to Rob, not Peter R.. However, back in September 2014, I had no inkling of the forthcoming multi-year developments (since 2014) involving Stan Pluijmen and Natalee Holloway. This might point to the forward-looking or timeless gaze of the Cosmos and Rob from the other side. My mysterious ‘astral’ encounter with Peter R. de Vries seemed to increasingly point in a certain direction: that of Natalee Holloway, one of de Vries’ pivotal cases.

On June 27, 2017, I wrote in my diary that through telepathic communication with Rob, I had learned that he was finally going to “deal with Stan Pluijmen decisively, sometime between now and a week, but no later than two weeks from now.” This set the deadline to July 4, 2017, or at the latest, July 11, 2017. Keep in mind that in 2017, Stan was still assisting Robbert van den Broeke in his deceptions (and thus in lying and deceiving gullible fans), and he hadn’t distanced himself from Van den Broeke’s hate actions, for which Van den Broeke even came into the attention of the police. The Joran van der Sloot-Stan Pluijmen Skype conversation was intentionally sent to me by Stan Pluijmen on July 7, 2017 (within Rob’s mentioned timeframe), and according to Stan, the photo of Joran’s financial sheet was accidentally dropped into my Skype chat on June 29, 2017 (likewise). Was Rob Nanninga behind this? That’s what I always suspected, that Rob was pulling Stan’s strings or whispering things in his ears. Indeed, at a certain point, Stan was genuinely helping me, even in another area.

I emailed Pepijn van Erp and Fred Melssen about this on July 9, 2017, and also emailed Van Erp again on January 19, 2018:

I want to emphasize once again that I have never personally known or spoken to either Joran van der Sloot or Leydi Figueroa Uceda. Although I received two clips in which Leydi Figueroa Uceda addressed me by my first name, it turned out to be practical jokes orchestrated by Stan, who encouraged Leydi Figueroa Uceda to do so. Leydi Figueroa Uceda Clip 1 Clip 2

So much more has unfolded in the mystical backdrop of cosmic intervention, of which I believe we cannot currently perceive or comprehend. Each person apparently has their role in life, and a role has also been assigned to me. My resistant nature has always pushed back against this idea, but the trust is finally starting to grow within me that things might actually turn out very well for a change.

On July 23, 2023, Roel Wiche from “de Limburger” texted me: “I (still) don’t have extensive information about the investigation at the graveyard. If I even get that. But I do have confirmation that this information has been reported multiple times in recent years, indicating that investigations have indeed taken place. It’s no longer a ‘blind spot.’” What ultimately convinced me to continue believing in St. Anna, even after Ilan Hoekstra and Kees van der Spek had dismissed it, even after this statement from Roel Wiche? It was once again a cosmic matter, and this time it unfolded in a very modern way and place: on Instagram!

In turn, from my conversation with the FBI agent from Alabama on July 21, 2023, I knew that St. Anna wasn’t really (widely) recognized or even on the radar at the FBI. This is logically understandable, as Aruba is still under Dutch and Aruban jurisdiction. The American authorities don’t have the jurisdiction to just go around searching everywhere, let alone scanning grave compartments and such. So, I observed a discrepancy between the Aruban and American investigations. However, Wiche’s message to me did leave me somewhat disappointed. She wasn’t there in number 15 after all? At that point, I hadn’t yet heard Ilan’s podcast episode 3, which was broadcast on July 31, 2023, and provided me with new information that there are multiple number 15s. Even Wiche didn’t know this at the time. In this case, Ilan Hoekstra indeed played a significant role because he reconnected me with Stan and because he personally went to the St. Anna cemetery to investigate. To my own surprise, my disappointment on that Sunday afternoon was short-lived. Call it intuition, but the feeling returned: YES, she IS there. That evening, I was idly staring ahead, as I often do, and suddenly I had the insight, or rather the impulse, to create an Instagram story about Natalee. For those who aren’t familiar with internet and social media, these stories appear next to your profile picture, can only be clicked by Instagram account holders, and disappear after 24 hours. You can save them as “Highlights,” which is what I did with this story (it’s located under “Parameter 4”).

I got to work, I Googled “Natalee Holloway,” and once again, on a whim, I chose a photo of her that appealed to me: lying down, feet up in the air, on grass, big smile, wearing an elegant shirt in the colors dark blue, white, and gold. I imported the photo and looked for accompanying elements, as I always do, to make the story more appealing, while I still had no idea what text I was going to add to it – in short, I was just “winging it.” On Instagram, you can enter search terms, and applicable GIFs, images, and various elements appear to help enhance your story. I typed in “Anna” (from “St. Anna”), and among other GIFs and images, what appears there? A T-shirt in the colors dark, red, white, and gold, with the exact same sporty feeling as Natalee’s, and the red color of the T-shirt forms a gravestone-like shape. The number 19 emerges (animated GIF), and “Anna” is underneath it. The synchronicities between this GIF of Natalee and the photo – the colors, shapes, the concept – everything instantly resonated with me like a shooting star: Yes, she IS there, but at a different number!

I subsequently emailed this tip, that she might be at a different number, perhaps number 18 or 19?, to the FBI. Joran could have intentionally changed the number 15 in his personal notes of St. Anna, just in case he got hacked (which he did, by Stan). By the way, I had already suggested this during the conversation with the FBI man: that she might be at a different number. I also asked the FBI to confront Joran with both the St. Anna information and these numbers.


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